Gavin Lambert

"Alters BRIEF mode to display a room's brief description instead of nothing."
"Adds the ability to enter 'under' some object, such as hiding under a bed."
"Automatic listing of available exits, with a reasonable dose of customisation built in."
"More control over what is printed in a banner, including an easily-included copyright line."
Glk Input Suspending by Gavin LambertVersion 1/200930(for Glulx only)
"Provides a mechanism to 'suspend' line and character inputs in progress to allow something to be printed, and then input resumed afterwards."
Hyperlink Extension Registry by Gavin LambertVersion 1/200930(for Glulx only)
"Provides a framework to allow multiple hyperlink-processing extensions to co-exist without stepping on each others' toes."
Hyperlinks by Gavin LambertVersion 1/200807(for Glulx only)
"Provides a core processing loop for hyperlinks. This is a basic interface intended to be used by other extensions rather than directly in stories."
Inline Hyperlinks by Gavin LambertVersion 2/200930(for Glulx only)
"Provides a simple HTML-inspired syntax for adding hyperlinks within any say phrases."
"Provides a way to customise the prepositions used to refer to containment or support, and perhaps other custom relationships added by other extensions."
Rideable Vehicles by Gavin LambertVersion 1/200619
"Improves how rideable vehicles and animals interact with other supporters."
"Doors and switches that cannot be acted upon until they are discovered."
Title Page by Gavin LambertVersion 1/200510
"Provides an intro screen to the story, offering an image and menu."